Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer Fun

This week has been busy. My girls and I went to the local berry farm to pick up some blueberries for jam making.  While there I found that raspberries were still in season as well as yellow beans.  My daughter N. found a beautiful bunch of gladiolas that needed to come home with us as well.  All in all I felt like we hit a home run in the organic food department.

We came home and I immediately starting making jam and blanching the beans.  I am totally in my element  when I am making jam... I truly love it!
What is summer without baseball?  My daughter N. is playing softball this year, and we are having such fun watching her games!  This has been a good year for her as she has learned a lot and met new friends.  N., is one of two girls on her team.
Also my gardens are coming along beautifully.Blackberries are in.  We have tomatoes, cherry and beefsteak, cucumbers, zucchini, and beans coming in.  Nothing is quite ready yet but in the next two weeks we will be inundated with produce!

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