Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cleanliness Next to Godliness

Just to get it out of the way, our house is still up for sale.  I am still cleaning like a mad woman and praying that it would sell so that we can get on with moving already!

Ok, rant over... I did mention cleaning and it has been on my mind a lot lately.  I have been considering the cleaners I use, and what kind of effect they are having on my family.  I do not have a family member that has severe allergies,or asthma, so I have never considered the cleaning products that I use in as far as the health consequences that might come with them.  
Vinegar is my cleaner of choice, just because of smell and cost.  I love the smell and it dissipates quickly, it is inexpensive and you can use it on floors, tile,  counters tubs and toilets.. however I am a Comet girl when it comes to cleaning the toilet.  I just like it, and yep I realize it is hard cleaner.

As far as a cleaning schedule goes, I have a very loose schedule that goes along with my kids chore list.  I have four kids that live at home and they all have chores that they do, and then I do a basic clean.
For example on Monday
 N) Feeds the dog
 A)Cleans bedroom and sweeps it
 M) Tidy basement and vacuum
JR) Bring in recycling boxes and laundry

Everyday they have something new to do. I find it helpful that everyone lends a hand, also it gives them responsibility in the home which they use for their own homes as they move out.

Let's talk about laundry for a minute, ten years ago I found laundry to be the bane of my existence!  I consistently had three or four loads a day, and I was never caught up... seriously never!!

Thankfully my husband is a born organized person, and when I was mature enough to say ' I need help!!'   He gave me some great simple advice, and I no longer have this problem.
Take a load of laundry to the washer, wash and dry, fold  and put away then get the next load.  Do not leave piles of clean laundry to take care of later, finish each load then proceed.  Seriously  great advice and so simple, wish I had let him help me sooner!!

Do you ever make your own laundry soap?  I used to make a huge bucket of soap that worked ok, but not great. Also I had to grate the soap, and cook it.  It seemed like a production, so after the second time I made it, I stopped.  I will say that it lasted a long time and it cleaned just fine.  But I really did dread making it.  I started searching Pinterest to see if there was anything else out there. There are tons of recipes!  Today I used a different recipe  found here  http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2012/02/no-grate-homemade-laundry-soap.html

I did change the recipe a bit as I used Ivory dish liquid instead of Dawn as I love the smell of Ivory!
Recipe was quick to make, very inexpensive and I have done two loads of laundry to completion and the soap works beautifully!  And my clothes do smell good... does that matter to everyone or is it just me?  Clean looking clothes are great, but I think clothes should also SMELL clean!

Friday I am going to show some blogging love to some of the great blogs I follow.

Soli deo Gloria

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