The joys of renovations! So far in our 1700 sq.ft home we have installed new flooring in 6 rooms, painted from top to bottom on two of the four levels of our backsplit. People living through renos have a lot they must put up with and adjust to. We have had to dismantle rooms and move out the entire rooms furniture. During this we went from a two bath down to a one bath, and we seriously noticed the loss of the second toilet!! This puts a large amount of stress on a family of 6... however my eye is on the prize! We are going to move to a place,( so far undiscovered ) where we can start a homestead, grow our own food, raise animals, have an apiary, and all of the other ideas that are floating around in our heads:)
I have decided that I am going to make a priority list of the elements of the homestead that we want to tackle first. On pinterest you can find so many homesteading blogs... and there are a lot of opinions as to what you should plan on first.
However, for the most part everyone agrees that planning where to put your house, water, barn, and pastures should be on the top of your list for year one. That makes sense to me... but since I still have no clue as to what our property will look like, I am taking advantage of the time I have before our house goes up for sale to make some loose plans. I won't be able to put in a garden this year as we are planning on moving in the summer. But I can plan to designate a place where our garden will go, and this year we can til the soil in prep for next spring. Things like that are keeping my motivation up for living through the work we are doing here!
Keeping my chin up,